Het is op zich niet heel vreemd dat Microsoft hiervoor kiest want zelfs een ICT dienstverlener zo groot als Microsoft kan niet volledig anticiperen op de (wereldwijde) enorme stijging in het aantal thuiswerkers vanwege het Corona virus. De beperkingen zijn in onze ogen wellicht wat lastig maar zeker niet dramatisch als we kijken naar het gebruik van Office365. Hopelijk kunnen ze met deze maatregelen de vertraging die wij de afgelopen weken gemerkt hebben in Teams reduceren.
Onderstaand het letterlijke bericht van Microsoft;
Update March 26: Awareness of Microsoft 365 temporary feature adjustments
MC207439, Stay Informed, Published date: Mar 24, 2020
Major Update: Announcement
Applies To: All
As a part of our commitment to customers and Microsoft cloud services continuity during these unprecedented times, we're making temporary adjustments to select capabilities within Microsoft 365.
Last week, we shared details about adjustments in Microsoft Teams, such as how often we check for presence, the interval in which we show when the other party is typing, and reduced video resolution.
Here are a few updates. The changes previously announced are down below for reference.
- OneNote in Teams will be read-only for commercial and education tenants. To edit, please use OneNote for the web or the OneNote desktop app.
- The following blog is now available with some additional information about these temporary changes: Awareness of temporary adjustments in SharePoint Online
- OneNote in Teams will be read-only for commercial tenants, excluding EDU. Users can go to OneNote for the web for editing.
- Download size and sync frequency of file attachments has been changed.
- You can find details on these and other OneNote related updates as http://aka.ms/notesupdates.
- We are rescheduling specific backend operations to regional evening and weekend business hours. Impacted capabilities include migration, DLP and delays in file management after uploading a new file, video or image.
- Reduced video resolution for playback videos.
- People timeline has been disabled for newly uploaded videos. Pre-existing videos will not be impacted.
- Meeting recording video resolution adjusted to 720p